8 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Usage and Save Money

Whether you’re looking to help the environment or cushion your household budget, reducing the amount of energy you consume can prove beneficial. With simple lifestyle changes and routines, you could easily reduce your carbon footprint, thus saving yourself money along the way.

Though it’s quite common for us to consider things like adding insulation and weatherizing windows and doors, there are a lot of other steps you may not have considered.

1. Evaluate Your Energy Bill

When is the last time you looked at your energy bill? Though the thing that sticks out the most is the amount due, there are other factors that go into determining the cost of your energy bill – such as the cost of energy rates.

If you live in the U.S. or Canada and notice that there has been an inflation in prices, consider checking out sites like AlbertaEnergyProviders.com to compare rates from other service providers in the area.

2. Let Your Clothes Air Dry

Did you know that it costs an average of $0.25 to $0.75 per hour to run your electric clothes dryer? While this may seem like pennies, when you calculate the amount of time you spend drying clothes on a monthly basis it can add up. Instead of using the dryer, put up a clothes line in your basement or backyard and allow the air to dry them.

3. Find Alternative Methods for Cooking

Instead of always using the stovetop or oven, consider other ways to prepare your meals. Investing in small appliances like crock-pots or toaster ovens can save you money as they consume less energy. Other options would include using the outdoor grill when the weather allows.

4. Unplug Devices

It can be pretty common to assume that once a device is powered off it is no longer a factor in your energy consumption. However, there are certain devices like computers, gaming consoles, TVs, and television receivers that still drain energy when turned off. Unplugging them is the best solution to ensure they’re not sucking up energy.

5. Turn Down the Water Heater

Everyone loves a hot shower in the winter, but this doesn’t mean you need scolding hot water to take one. Keeping the temperature at around 120 degrees is ideal for most households and can reduce the amount of energy used to heat the water.

6. Wash in Cold Water

If your washing machine’s water setting is turned to warm or hot, it’s time to turn it down. It takes a lot of energy to heat the water to the desired temperature, which is really a waste of money. Washing in cold water gets your clothes just as clean for a fraction of the cost.

7. Wash Full Loads

There are times when we need one item washed for an upcoming appointment or event. Be that as it may, washing one or two things in a load is a waste of resources and money. Try to make sure that you’re washing full loads to reduce energy consumption and costs.

8. Program Temperatures

Do you leave your thermostat on the same temperature 24/7? Though you want to be warm during the cooler seasons, if you’re out of the house for a long period of time, you’re simply wasting energy. Turning the thermostat down a few degrees before leaving the house each day can save energy and money.

Reducing your carbon footprint and conserving energy ultimately leads to saving money. Hopefully, these eight tips have given you some ideas on how to scale back in your home. Keep track of your daily activities on a regular basis to determine if there are other areas in which you can cut back and save on home energy costs.

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